Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

I live in Pu-Chatka now and I must say that I feel good here. I have a warm corner, it doesn't rain on my head, I get very good food and I have nice friends in the room. Previously, I was a cat living near an animal shelter. Yes, you read that right; not in a shelter, but in the bushes near the place where I should be safely waiting for my home... They considered me a free-living cat and I somehow had to cope with it, until my nurse tried to keep me in a home in good condition, I noticed that I lost my appetite. I didn't want to eat because it hurt... Fortunately, they cured my terrible gingivitis, but leukemia will remain with me for the rest of my life. That's why I moved here and since then I've barely been sick. I am a polite and calm cat.

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